June 28, 2024

Reps. Vargas, Peters, Jacobs, Levin Applaud Biden’s Inclusion of Funding to Address Cross-Border Pollution in Updated Supplemental Funding Request

WASHINGTON - U.S. Representatives Juan Vargas (CA-52), Scott Peters (CA-50), Sara Jacobs (CA-51), and Mike Levin (CA-49) applauded the inclusion of funding that can be used to repair and expand the South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant in President Biden’s updated supplemental funding request. 

In October 2023, the President included $310 million in his emergency supplemental request for the South Bay treatment plant as part of an ongoing effort to tackle cross-border pollution in the Tijuana River Valley. In March 2024, the San Diego Congressional delegation successfully secured a $103 million funding increase for the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC), which will be used towards upgrades to the plant. In this updated supplemental funding request, President Biden again included funding for the IBWC in an effort to secure the remainder of the funds needed to upgrade the South Bay treatment plant.  

“After our calls for action, I’m glad to see President Biden demonstrate yet again that addressing this pollution is a key priority,” said Rep. Vargas. “In just the last five years, more than 100 billion gallons of pollution have flowed through the Tijuana River Valley. It’s clear that we need an urgent, whole-of-government response to this issue. We’ll keep pushing to secure the resources we need.”

"San Diegans have called on the federal government to put an end to this crisis for years, and thanks to our combined advocacy, the President is once again responding to our pleas," said Rep. Peters. “This request will help us keep up the pressure to fully fund the repairs to the broken wastewater treatment plant, which is now on track to award contracts and begin work. I will continue the fight alongside my colleagues to end this crisis.”

Rep. Sara Jacobs said, "I’m so grateful that the Biden Administration has listened to our San Diego congressional delegation’s calls and continues to prioritize fixing the Tijuana River Valley crisis. Another $310 million for the South Bay treatment plant would go a long way in addressing the cross-border pollution, protecting our public health, and empowering our economy to thrive."

“Our communities have been suffering the consequences from polluted waters and contaminated air in the Tijuana River Valley for far too long,” said Rep. Levin. “I’m pleased that these critical funds were included in the supplemental budget request which underscore the urgent need to address cross-border pollution. I will keep fighting to ensure the federal government does its part to help clean up our environment.”

In April 2024, the San Diego Congressional delegation joined together to thank the President for including robust Tijuana River Valley funding in his FY 2024 budget and call on him to continue to efforts to address pollution.

In 2019, the San Diego Congressional delegation secured $300 million to expand the South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant from 25 million gallons per day to 50 million gallons per day. In 2022, the San Diego Congressional delegation successfully passed legislation to clear the path for the International Boundary and Water Commission to use these funds to address harmful pollutants in the Tijuana River Valley. 
